Why You Should Consider a Personalized Answering Service for Your Freelance Business

12 January 2024
 Categories: , Blog

As a freelance business owner, you're always striving to provide your clients with the best possible service. You want to be available to them whenever they need you, but you also need to balance your work and personal life. One way to achieve this balance is by outsourcing your phone answering and taking up the services of a personalized answering service. Read on to see why you should consider a personalized answering service for your freelance business. Read More …

3 Ways Business Telephone Systems Can Boost Your Company’s Bottom Line

22 April 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Communication is an integral component of any company. If you want your business to grow, you need to connect with stakeholders and customers at any time. Your interactions with your employees should also not be limited to the office setting but should target their most used communication devices—mobile phones. Business telephone systems offer companies the flexibility to talk to their clients, stakeholders, and staff when there's a need. This article outlines how these systems can improve your company's bottom line. Read More …

3 Benefits Of Investing In Business VoIP Telephone Systems

23 October 2020
 Categories: , Blog

VoIP telephone systems allow you to make voice calls using a broadband internet connection instead of the analog phone line. This innovative phone technology also borrows the necessary features of traditional phones, such as caller ID, call waiting, text messaging, conference call, and call forwarding. Today, many businesses use VoIP telephone systems as their primary mode of communication. If you have not switched to VoIP, here are three benefits of investing in this type of telephone system. Read More …

Cool Surveillance Cameras You Can Watch From Your Smartphone

21 June 2018
 Categories: , Blog

When most homeowners think of adding a surveillance system to their home, they envision these expensive setups with multiple cameras, a bunch of wires, and a room set up for viewing all of the captured videos. This may be what home surveillance once looked like, but in the age of technology, home surveillance cameras are a lot cooler. You can get all kinds of neat surveillance cameras, some that don't look like cameras at all, that you can watch from your smartphone. Read More …

Getting An Alarm System? 2 Must Have Components To Include In Your Security Package

10 April 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Installing an alarm system in your place of residence is about much more than just keeping intruders out of your home. Alarm systems increase your peace of mind and help you to feel calm and relaxed when you're at home. If you've never had an alarm system before or it's been some time since you had one there are lots of new features that you may not know about. These additional features are there to make your house even more secure and can truly help to keep you safe. Read More …